The Sperrin Fuzz Box was made by David Sperrin, in Southport, in the North of England. The model was advertised in the music press various times during 1966. What little is known about this obscure fuzz box comes from press cuttings, and from the testimony of Simon Sperrin (David’s son).
David Sperrin worked initially as a welder fitter, before finding a job at Frank Hessy’s famous music store in Liverpool. David later moved onto building & selling his own musical electronic equipment, but continued working with Hessy, supplying the shop with amplifiers (some of which were rebranded as ‘Stag‘ products). A Sperrin amplifier is pictured below. (Photo credit: C. Aindow)

The Sperrin Fuzz Boxes were assembled by David Sperrin at the family home on Matlock Road, in conjunction David’s wife, Beryl, who posted the fuzz boxes to their customers. A description in the press of the model reveals it to have been a foot-operated pedal, with two basic control knobs with which to adjust the sound. No examples of the Sperrin Fuzz Box are known yet to have actually survived.
I would be delighted to hear from anybody with any further knowledge of David Sperrin or the Sperrin fuzz boxes. Photos of Sperrin equipment (fuzz boxes or otherwise) are greatly appreciated, and readers’ contributions can be submitted either via the form below, or by contacting me directly.
I was amazed to see this! Not sure when this was posted, or if still active?
My father David Sperrin, started his business making these fuzz boxes in the wash house I think they were called, where laundry was done before washing machines at the back of 20 Matlock road, together with my mother Beryl Sperrin, who posted these around the world.
I was only two at the time.
By the time I was 11 years old, I was building mobile disco circuit boards for twin decks and sound to light units, and making speaker cabinets.
My father passed away about forty years ago.
My Mother re-married and lives in North wales.
Last time I visited the UK, I saw one of my fathers first valve amps in a music shop for 200 pounds! hard to believe any of his gear still survives?
I now live in Perth Australia, since 2000.
Simon Sperrin