The following links are listed in roughly chronological order. Please note that most of these fuzz boxes were in production for several years, and that the year that has been listed on this page is merely the earliest date that we can ascertain that the model was available.

The years that each model is listed under are strictly just estimates, and these estimates are based off a combination of date codes on parts in surviving pedals; details or advertisements in the press; and/or witness testimonies. These dates are all subject to change as and when further information about original fuzz boxes emerges. Please refer to the individual pages for more details about dating original fuzz boxes, or contact me with any queries.


Gibson released the first commercial fuzz box in 1962. The guitar company’s Maestro ‘Fuzz-Tone’ FZ-1 was predominantly sold in the United States, but it was also imported to the United Kingdom by Selmer, and was used by some of Britain’s eminent session guitarists before fuzz boxes became widely available.




